NEVER slackin' ALWAY'z packin'
  • Male
  • Kailua Kona, HI
  • United States
  • kalaoa, big island
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NEVER slackin' ALWAY'z packin''s Friends

  • Lee Jas Zai
  • Barefoot huntah
  • George Rivera
  • Kaleo Spalding
  • DownCountry
  • Kalani Fernandez
  • Wayne Jose
  • Jigsaw Ramos
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  • Douglas santiago
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NEVER slackin' ALWAY'z packin''s Discussions

Looking For 1 or 2 Pups

Started this discussion. Last reply by jahprovide May 9, 2015. 3 Replies

Aloha, My Main/Only Dog Got Shot Acouple Weeks Ago and I Realy Need To Start Fresh!!! Looking for Anykine Pups 4-8 month kine! Lmk MahalozContinue

Found Hunting Dog Up Kaloko Today!

Started this discussion. Last reply by Mike HASH Mar 29, 2015. 1 Reply

I found a dog up Kaloke today! Cut collar and tracking collar! Message me on facebook "neverslackinalwayzpackin" and Describe Dog if It's Yours. Get 1 Fresh Cut!

Winchester 30-30 model 94 For Sale! $$$$$

Started Dec 10, 2013 0 Replies

Posting 4 a friend.... $800 Cash FIRM!!! No Lowball's, Verry good condition, accurate and considered an antique!!! Not in a rush to sell But could use the money! TEXT 808-333-4591 for more…Continue

Winchester lever action 30-30 4 Sale

Started this discussion. Last reply by Barefoot huntah Oct 16, 2013. 1 Reply

$500 Firm! Good condition, ready 2 shoot! Text 808-333-4591

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NEVER slackin' ALWAY'z packin''s Page

Profile Information

What is your saying?
hitch hitch hitch!!!!
what is your gender?
Where are you from?
kalaoa, big island
What is your hobbies
run dogs, catch hogs, train dogs & fish 4 ULUA's.....
What type of hunting do you do?
Stalk, Bow, Gun, Bailing Dogs, Grabbing Dogs, Trap
How many hunts a year do you do?
as many as can!!!! you only live once!
When you catch a Hog, what is the first thing you say?
LiVe AcTiOn!!!!!!!!!
How many dogs do you hunt with?
What type of breed do you like?
How many boar Jaws do you currently have?
What type of tracking collars do you use?
use da ear's, an if loose signal whistle & yell!
What is the biggest hog you ever caught?
200+ sow 200+ boar and 180lb lahoole

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Comment Wall (28 comments)

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At 6:04pm on March 7, 2012, burt said…
I tried calling today but all I was getting was a busy signal, I going be in kona till tomorrow night. Call me. Shootz!!
At 3:53pm on February 21, 2012, burt said…
No worries about buying da seeds, I'll give u da seeds for free and u should get at least 5 pounds out of it easy. I'm just a bradda helping another bradda out and of course being my friend does help. Lol
At 3:59pm on February 14, 2012, burt said…
Wassup mikey, I think I no work next week maybe we go plan one hunt. I'll give u one call one day before I come over. Why u need one place for keep ehu, I can hold'em at my house till somebody buy'um. ;) lol   
At 8:26pm on February 6, 2012, burt said…
Wassup mikey, da pup stay action we got two boars the other night and the pup stay grabbing more. I also wen take him for the pride tournament and we also got two boars, one with 5" jaws and the other with 6 1/4" jaws but Neva place. I stay busy with work right now but as soon as it slows down I'll definitely give u call. I still got da seeds for u, also got some different strains for u too. Give u a call soon. Shootz!! and keep pound'in da hogz.
At 9:48pm on January 8, 2012, burt said…
Yeah is what happens when I bring one 6 month old and two 3 month old pups as the helpers. Hahaha. But my kids had a blast watching there pups work the grounds. I'll give u a call in a week or so and we can go try again. Catch or no catch still good fun. shootz!! Burt
At 11:30pm on January 5, 2012, burt said…
Mikey thanks for the hunt and the pup, I'll give u a call in a couple of weeks and we can plan one other hunt. Shootz!! Burt
At 9:19pm on December 25, 2011, nalu luta said…

wat up mikey give me a call heading to the mountains on wedsday. by the way did u go hunting on x-mas? i think i saw u walking on the side of the road with some dogs and another braddah. but give me a call. shoots

At 11:14pm on December 17, 2011, Makali'i Taketa said…
Y u wen talk to da guy
At 6:03pm on December 8, 2011, nalu luta said…

nice fat sow chee pono

At 10:50pm on December 6, 2011, Delson Cariaga said…

right on bully mahalo for the requst...

no forget the TOURNEY going be one good one...ALOHA







Irish Terrier Mix Looking To Breed

Started by Da Bull Mar 23, 2018. 0 Replies

I live in anahola. I got this Irish Terrier breed. Comes from long, strong hunting line. Got from Chono, who got from other. He is about 8 years old. Strong, intelligent, loyal, and in great…Continue

Catahoula x Heeler/Kelpie Pups for sale

Started by CK KENNELS HAWAII Jan 22, 2018. 0 Replies

Aloha! I get some Catahoula x Heeler/Kelpie pups for sale. $600 per pup. 1st shot given, clean, dewormed, ready for rehome. Pups are 7 weeks today. DOB: 12/03/17 (Super Moon). All pups are guaranteed…Continue

Tags: puppies, forsale, workingdogs

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